• Introduction

  •  1 Overview

    Market Place/Stores are a place for the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet. It is available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have Internet access both at work and at home. Stores describe products for sale with text, photos, and multimedia files. Each UAnnounceit user's member has either only one store or many stores depending on the chosen License Plan and is able to show or hide the store.

    2. User Roles in Stores


    Guest is non-registered user. They are able to view/search stores/products, add products to cart and get help.

    b. Member

    Member is registered user. They inherit functions from Guest and are able to rate/comment/like/share stores/products, follow stores, favorite products, and manage following stores and favorite products.

    c. Seller

    Seller inherits function from Member and is able to manage his store.


    d. Buyer

    Buyer inherits function from Member and is able to manage his orders.


    e. Admin

    Admin inherits function from other users and manage back-end.